10th October 2024 Meeting Minutes

Letwell Parish Council

Minutes – Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting 10th October 2024

This meeting was held at Letwell Village Hall at 7pm.

Present: Councillors: Amanda Wood (Chairperson), Louise Addy, Christina Warr,

Liz Ladbrook, Martin Horn

The Acting Clerk: Martin Horn

Parishioners:  Two parishioners were in attendance.

24-159 To receive and approve reasons for absence


24-160 To receive declarations of interest in respect of business on the agenda.


24-161 To identify any agenda items which may be considered following the exclusion of the press and public, due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.

It was resolved that no items required the exclusion of press and public.

24-161 To approve the appointment of a new Parish Council Clerk as the Proper Officer.

The Chairperson gave a brief overview of the process that the Parish Council had used to select a new clerk by advertising on YLCA and doing interviews. Two references have been received. The role is for 2 hours a week plus meetings, the hourly rate will initially be £16.67.

Cllr Addy and Cllr Ladbrook highlighted that they had not been involved in the recruitment process so accepted the recommendation made by the rest of the Councillors.

Proposed by Cllr Wood and seconded by Cllr Addy that Yvonne Colverson be appointed as the Clerk and Proper Officer for Letwell Parish Council starting 1st November 2024. Agreed by All.


To confirm the time and date of the next meeting is Thursday 21st November at 7pm.    
The meeting closed at 7.14pm