11 April 2024 Meeting minutes

11 April 2024 Meeting minutes

24-034  To receive and approve reasons for absence       


24-035  To appoint a Councillor to the vacant positions. 

At this time there have been no applications and being so close to the election there was no need to fill the positions. The positions will remain open until after the Election in May. Co-option may take place at the next Ordinary Meeting if anyone applies.            

24-036  To receive declarations of interest in respect of business on the agenda.


24-037  To authorise the chairman to sign the minutes of the meeting held on the 11th January 2024 as a true and correct record.  

The minutes were confirmed as a true and correct record and the Chairman accordingly signed the file copy.           

24-038  To identify any agenda items which may be considered following the exclusion of the press and public, due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.           

It was resolved that no items required the exclusion of press and public. 

24-039  To note any matters arising (For information only)           


24-040  Update from Letwell Community Group

  1. LCG wanted people to know that funds are properly accounted for with receipts and all expenditure agreed by the group. If anyone would like to look at the accounts they are welcome to, please contact the LCG.      
  2. The Richie Penrose evening was a success and well received, well done to the group for arranging it.          
  3. The village hall had a deep clean in March and comments have been made to say the hall does look a lot better. Other members of the public voiced their agreement. Going forward the cleaner will clean the floor alternate weeks and clean other areas on the other week. If required a deep clean might be done annually.       
  4. Use of the LCG email list by the Parish Council. The Parish Council needs to start sending emails from its own account. This will require people to agree to receive emails. The LCG will send an email asking for people to contact the PC email address asking to be added to their email list. This is for GDPR.  Action: Clerk
  5. What is happening with the pub night and lottery? The licences have not been paid for due to access to the bank account, it is hoped this will be resolved next week. For the Lottery the PC would prefer people to pay via a bank transfer but it will not be mandatory. The lottery draws that have been missed will take place at the end of April.       
  6. The LCG proposed a permanent planter to replace the existing wooden planters at the front of the village hall. An offer has been made by a resident to contribute towards the costs of the planter. The Parish Council did not have a problem with this but the LCG will have a  discussion with persons that cut the grass before a decision is made.      

24-041  Update on the Street Fayre        

The Street Fayre committee asked that if anyone can assist on the day to make a committee member aware. The usual help is needed to provide items for the tombola stall, the teddy stall, cake stall, jams, bottle stall and  bricka brack.   

24-042  To give an update on the financial situation of the Parish Council.             

The Parish Council still does not have access to the bank accounts. This is expected to be resolved early next week. No expenditure except direct debits have taken place. Looking through the bank accounts out of £32,000 spent in the last 30 months £24,500 there are receipts, £1,953 is missing and £5,500 there is not enough information to determine. The movement of cash is still to be looked at.             

24-043  Open Forum for Parishioners in Attendance – Public Participation Session  (up to 30 minutes will be allowed)         

  1. What is happening with the Police? Councillor Addy sent the Police an email several weeks ago but has heard nothing more.
  2. What is happening to documents that people helped review? The Clerk responded that all of the documents were on the agenda to be adopted. The Financial Risk Assessment has highlighted the areas that need to be worked on. The documents will be on the website soon. Thanks were given to the persons who helped with the documents. Action: Clerk
  3.  A resident has asked if they could put signs up to encourage drivers to slow down when passing horses on Gildingwells Road? The Clerk has been in contact with highways at RMBC who have said they agree that signs were required and that they have budget for them. The signs ware expected to be at each end of the village. We are now waiting for RMBC to give an estimate of how long this might take. While talking to them two other areas were raised, to replace the missing sign on Gildingwells. Road by the Slow sign and if it would be possible to move the 30 MPH limit to Moorelands Farm. It was suggested that if traffic does not slow down coming through the village that speed humps might be requested. It was agreed that this would need to be a last resort. Action: Clerk
  4. What happened about a camera by the bus stop? A resident provided an update that there was no funding available from RMBC. To highlight if there are issues locally to report them to the Police.  
  5. What is happening about a new Clerk?  At present the PC is waiting until the busy period for Clerks is over, elections and Internal Audits. We will then advertise the role in a few places and look to have someone by the summer.            

24-044  To receive an update in respect of planning matters and consider any further action on ongoing applications.         

 Application number RB 2024/0485 Tree pruning to the front of South Farm. No issues raised.    

To receive information on the following issues and decide further action, where necessary.         

24-045  Internal Audit   

The Internal Audit is booked for the 10th June to allow time for the PC to get as much documentation in place.         

24-046  FLAG email address       

FLAG has had an email address, info@flagmag.co.uk since 2018 and it is now an annual cost of £70. It has been found that it has never been used by the public. Firbeck Clerk has agreed that this can be cancelled when the renewal is due. Action: L Addy

24-047  Advertising for a new Clerk        

Discussion took place about advertising for a clerk. It was agreed to look for places that were free. Action: Clerk

24-048  Arrange a Parish Meeting           

Councillors want to hear the views of the rest of the village about having a Parish Council. A Parish Meeting allows the public to add items to the agenda and discuss anything. Going forward the PC cannot function with only 3 councillors so other persons need to be co opted. A letter will be sent to all households explaining the differences between a Parish Council and a Parish Meeting. Date for the Parish Meeting is Thursday 30th May 2024 7pm in the village hall. Action: Clerk

24-049  Charity Village Hall hire on Sundays and making the Village Hall more profitable.             

There will no longer be setup time. Payment is required from the time a hirer enters the hall until the time the hirer leaves the hall. Agreed by all. There is now an online diary so that people can see what is on and when the hall is available. We will look to install a key safe  outside the building for users to access the building. The Village Hall has been added to Google maps. An application has been made for a postal address. The PC is looking into what grants are available for new chairs and tables, internet, heating controls managed over the internet, and assistance with running costs.

Discussion took place about letting charitable causes hire the Village Hall on Sundays when the hall is not used. A question was asked if the village wanted cars coming into the village on a Sunday. It was agreed this would be a trial. Action: Clerk and L Addy

24-050  Discuss Lottery going forward.   

The PC would prefer people to pay via a bank transfer but it will not be mandatory. 

24-051  Email list for Parish Council        

 The LCG will send an email asking for people to contact the PC email address asking to be added to the email list. This is for GDPR. Action: Clerk

24-052  Update on CIL developer payments        

CIL (community infrastructure levy) are payments received from developers. In past meetings the impression was given that Letwell could have received a payment from the Throapham development and that Firbeck had received money but for some reason Letwell had missed out. The Clerk checked with RMBC and Firbeck PC and found that Letwell was never due a payment because the development has to take place in the Parish. Firbeck received a payment because of the Firbeck Hall development. The money for Throapham went to Dinnington.    

24-053  D Day Commemoration

Discussion took place about holding a gathering in the village hall for the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings. It was agreed that Councillor Addy would contact a 40s singer to see if they would be available. Date was agreed for either the 6th or 7th June 2024 7pm in the Village Hall. Action: L Addy

Financial Matters           

24-054  Bank Accounts  

The Parish Council still does not have access to the Nat West bank accounts.           

24-055  VAT claims         

At present the PC does not have the invoices to make a VAT claim. Over the coming weeks we will be asking suppliers for copies of invoices. The rules around claiming VAT for the village hall are complicated and will be checked with YLCA once the PC has membership.       Clerk

24-056  Balances at 1st April 2024           

 The PC was unable to give a balance at the meeting because the PC does not have access to the Nat West bank accounts. Since the meeting councillors have been added to the bank account and have received statements. Balances current account £1,004.82, Reserve £299.21 and Sumup £635.80, Bar float £100.55. Total £2,040.38. The first precept payment is due which will be £1,700.     

24-057  Agreed Payments           

None due to access to bank account.       


24-058  Adopt the Bank Reconciliation policy      

 Proposed by Councillor Wood seconded by Councillor Addy. All agreed.

24-059  Adopt the changes to the Financial Risk Assessment       

 Proposed by Councillor Wood seconded by Councillor Addy. All agreed.

24-060  Adopt Grievance and Dispute policy       

A duplicate of other policies so no longer required.         

24-061  Adopt Freedom of Information policy     

Proposed by Councillor Wood seconded by Councillor Addy. All agreed.

24-062  Adopt Equality and and Diversity policy 

Proposed by Councillor Wood seconded by Councillor Addy. All agreed.

24-063  Adopt Grievance policy 

Proposed by Councillor Wood seconded by Councillor Addy. All agreed.

24-064  Adopt Disciplinary policy            

Proposed by Councillor Wood seconded by Councillor Addy. All agreed.

24-065  To agree the time and date of the AGM and the Ordinary Council Meeting             

AGM 16th May 2024 at 7pm, followed by the Ordinary Parish Council meeting. Future meetings will be on the last Thursday of alternate months at 7pm. The dates are 25th July, 26th September, 28th November, 30th January 2025 and 27th March.

The meeting closed at 09.00pm