14 September 2023 meeting minutes
To allow up to 30 minutes for questions from the public at the Chairman's discretion.
- Trees were cut on the 9th August Ts there anything else that can be done?
- Can the Ramper be left as late as possible? And what are the councils plans for this?
- Bench on the green needs sanding and painting. LCG are going to ask for volunteers
- Nicky wanted to make a comment about how successful the community group has been. Thanked them for the support of the Church events and the other efforts around the village
- Commented on the hedge in Gildingwells need to be cut back more as its already on the very edge of the road.
- Was asked to produce a map of the problem area.
- Agreed she would send a notice to the village for future Council meetings
- Can the Diary for the hall be made available on line?
- Said to be later discussion about the website.
- Martyn Sharpe asked about the new bench on Moores Mound as the GeoCache needs to be returned asap.
Community Group update.
Parish council to address any questions sent by LCG.
To receive and approve any apologies for absence.
Apologies received from the Clerk who cannot attend due to illness.
To receive any declarations of interest not already declared under the Council's Code
Louise Addy
1.To approve the previous minutes of the extra ordinary meeting held on the 19th July 2023.
To discuss any matters arising from the said minutes. For information only.
To discuss any matters for upcoming events.
20 October, 18 November. No Church event this year
Christmas party date set for 9th December
Harvest Supper in October
To receive an update regarding the pond.
Report: Met with RMBC ecologist . Funding only available from external sources if it is going to be a wildlife pond.
Discussed with other ecologist, points to consider:
Any change will at least need a test for great crested newts, a DNA water test only after June. Other visual survey that can be done is for water voles at any time.
Where do we stand once the new owners of the property move in
No real ability to stop run off of chemicals from the surrounding fields.
Action: Martyn Sharpe to speak to new the new owner of the property to discuss the pond going forward.
To approve the following outgoing payments. Approved
Durhams = £150
Cleaner = 48.00
Salary 24 hours at 11.25 = £270
EDF = £40
To arrange a time and date for a Finance Meeting.
9 November 7pm before the main council meeting
To discuss the website
- the current one is still not being updated
- have an offer to help redevelop it
- offer to host but need help to look at what it is and any data protection issues
Action: Louise to follow up with Adrian.
To discuss the Lottery
Look at drawing at the Pub night and displaying the winners details on a notice board or in the Hall.
Action LCG to send a request to get someone to take on the Admin role
To consider any Items to be discussed in the absence of press and public.
To exchange any information and members reports
Louise - The council members Attended the Code of conduct training
Main takeways from the meeting
- The council members should not be making individual decisions on matters and it should always be a collective vote on any items
- Beware of Pecuniary Interests when considering items - and ensure we are acting without personal bias
- Be aware when communicating where we it can be perceived as a councillors personal opinion
Village Hall
Louise - Village hall. Establish a group to look at a deep clean - Action Louise to take to the LCG to help arrange some days
Jenny raised the issues with supplies for the hall including hand towels and toilet rolls.
War Memorial
Jenny detailed that the memoral needs cleaning and asked how we can get this done Action: The Clerk to approach RMBC as to the process
Weeds by the notice board Jenny noted a number of weeds have appeared near the notice board and asked if they could be dealt with.
Raised Grate near the Pond
Matt asked if there can be an update on this as it seems to be getting worse
Action: The Clerk to approach XXXX as to the progress
Flood Signs
Martyn raised the flood signs that have appeared on the comer of the ramper and asked of anything had been reported or if it was to do with the recent water company notices we have all received.
It was also noted that the rain water rnnoff from the property on the comer of the Ramper may cause an ice issue on the pavement in the coming month.
Action: The Clerk to approach RBMC to see what has been reported about the flood issue
Event in the village
Jenny detailed a quilt show on the 19 October 10 till 3 and Art show 4/5 November 10 till 3.
To confirm the date and time, and potential items, for the next meeting
9 November 2023