16 November 2023 meeting minutes
Public Session
Require a new set of defib pads
Light in the telephone Box not working.
Amanda asked the consideration that her son be considered for any volunteering for son for the Duke of Edenborough award it was suggested about weeding and painting in the village.
Cierk read out an emaii from Christina, Cllr Addy gave an update from the ecologist, who suggested nothing can happen until at least Spring. Cllr Sharpe has spoken with the new owners and they are happy for Council and Community to continue to care for the pond and surrounding area.
Tony asked why there is a need for newt surveys etc.
Discussion was had around flooding issues, the clerk agreed to raise the issue with RMBC.
MH asked about the walk around with Danuta, neighbourhood coordinator, Chll Sharpe replied that he had a walk around with her and pointed a couple of issues out to her but nothing has come of the meeting.
MH read List of items relating to RMBC including fly tipping. He added that the Gutters on the bus shelter are full of moss Water on Ramper Road
Possibility of a bin on this side of Barker Hades Painting of outside of Village Hall
Window Frame needing attention
Horse Chestnut tree looking dead needs looking at. Hall floor needs attention.
Cllr Addy shared the views of the PC regarding the upkeeping of hall.
Vicky would like to see what the funds have gone . Cllr Addy discussed about fundraising ideas.
The clerk agreed to send the expenditure list to Vicky, Andy and Community Group before the next Parish Council meeting.
Cllr Sharpe added that we have a fantastic asset as in the hall, we need use it. Hazel would support a committee to fundraise for the village hall.
Cllr Shaipe Sharpe said that The Village really should have a Christmas fair, something to look at in the future.
Nicky expressed her thought that the hedges need reinstating, there are 2 big holes in the hedges, perhaps the insurance of those that have damaged them might be worth looking at?
Community Group update.
Funds in LCG - go toward deep clean of Parish Hall. Rita has had 1 quote but will obtain a second quote. Replace the curtains?
Table tennis table - Cllr Straw agreed that it is not in use.
First Aid: Clerk agreed to chase certificates, explaining that the person responsible has been on long term leave.
Cllr Sharpe - Christmas Party - Help with setting up would be great, band booked, quiz, Pies from Fenton's. Costs-Token Charge of £10 a head, half price for kids.
Christmas Tree - The Clerk agreed to arrange for the first weekend in December,
Hazel asked if the poppies could be timed with surrounding villages next year? The clerk explained that no one in the village or Council had arranged these and they were in fact a gift from herself and that now they have them they can put them up to suit next year.
To receive and approve any apologies for absence.
To receive any declarations of interest not already declared under the Council's Code of Conduct or Members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
To approve the previous minutes of the extra ordinary meeting held on the 14th September 2023.
Approved-MS-Second DB
To discuss any matters arising from the said minutes. For information only.
To discuss any matters for upcoming events.
Gig on Saturday and January 26th March 22nd and October 24th
To receive a debrief from the recently attended CAP meeting.
Discussed the recent CAP meeting attended by the Clerk and Cllr Addy.
To approve the following outgoing payments. Approved
PKF Little Johns= £48
Cleaner = £48
Salary 24 Hours at £11.25 = £270
EDF = £40
To consider any items to be discussed in the absence of press and public.
To exchange any information and members reports.
Next Meeting Thursday 11th January 2024.