18 March 2024 Meeting Agenda
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Letwell Parish Council
The Village Hall, Barker Hades Road,Letwell, S81 8DE
Tel. 07540371641
- To receive and approve reasons for absence.
- To appoint an Acting Clerk
- To appoint a Counsellor for the vacant position.
- To receive declarations of interest in respect of business on the agenda.
- To authorise the chairman to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 13th February 2024, as a true and correct record.
- To identify any agenda items which may be considered following the exclusion of press and public, due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.
- To note any matters arising (For information only)
- To give an update on the financial situation of the Parish Council.
Comments or questions form members of the public (upto 30 minutes allowed) - To receive an update in respect of planning matters and consider any further action on ongoing applications.
- To receive information on the following issues and decide further action, where necessary.
- Appointment of a new clerk
- Insurance
- Appointing an Internal Auditor for 2023/24
- Bank account
- Website
- Election
- Financial matters.
- Budget for 2024/25
To agree the date and time of the next ordinary Council Meeting.
Martin Horn