21st March 2024 meeting minutes
Minutes – Extraordinary Ordinary Parish Council Meeting 21st March 2024
This meeting was held in Letwell Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Present: Councillors: Louise Addy (Chairperson), Amanda Wood, Martin Horn. The Acting Clerk Martin Horn, was in attendance. Parishioners: Three parishioners were in attendance.
24-019 To receive and approve reasons for absence
24-020 To receive declarations of interest in respect of business on the agenda.
24-021 To identify any agenda items which may be considered following the exclusion of the press and public, due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.
24-022 To note any matters arising (For information only)
24-023 To adopt and sign off updated Code of Conduct
No issues raised. Proposed by Councillor L Addy seconded by Councillor M Horn adopt the policy. All in favour.
24-024 To adopt and sign off updated Standing Orders
No issues raised. Proposed by Councillor L Addy seconded by Councillor M Horn to adopt the policy. All in favour.
24-025 To adopt and sign off Financial Regulations
No issues raised. Proposed by Councillor L Addy seconded by Councillor M Horn to adopt the policy. All in favour.
24-026 To adopt and sign off Health and Safety Policy
The Acting Clerk has found out that because the Parish Council has fewer than 5 employees this is not a requirement.
24-027 To adopt and sign off Financial Risk Assessment
A resident has volunteered there time to assess the Financial Risk Assessment and report back to the Parish Council. Proposed by Councillor L Addy seconded by Councillor M Horn to adopt the policy. All in favour.
24-028 Approve setting up of Direct Debits for PPL/PRS £70, EDF£69 and Everflow £15
The Acting Clerk advised that the direct debits for Everflow and EDF will at times be variable. Proposed by Councillor A Wood seconded by Councillor L Addy to approve the setting up of three direct debits. All in favour.
24-029 Approve delegated authority for expenditure up to £ 200 on any single item for the Chairperson Louise Addy. This will be for emergency payments only.
Discussion took place to agree what was an emergency. It was agreed that if all three Councillors agreed to the expenditure and it was to aid the function of the Parish Council or Village Hall then payments can be made. The example that was given was for the Lottery Licence. This can be paid under this delegated authority. Proposed by Councillor M Horn Seconded by Councillor A wood to give Councillor L Addy delegated authority for up to £200. All in favour.
24-030 Agree process for expenditure to take place. No expenditure can be made without agreement by all Councillors.
A discussion took place about the requirement for all Councillors to approve. This will change to be three once the Parish Council has four or five councillors. Proposed by Councillor L Addy seconded by Councillor A Wood that no expenditure can take place without agreement by all councillors. All in favour.
24-031 Discuss an increase in the hall hire hourly rate to £7 for persons living in the Parish, £10 for all other hire that is not of a commercial nature. These increases will be for the 1st April 2024.
Discussion took place about what constitutes a commercial nature. Acting Clerk to provide a clarification. Proposed by Councillor L Addy seconded by Councillor A Wood to increase the village hall hire rates to amounts on the agenda. All in favour.
24-032 To agree transfer of funds from Sum Up account to the Nat West cheque account.
Proposed by Councillor M Horn seconded by Councillor A Wood to transfer the funds from the Sum Up account to the NatWest cheque account. All in favour.
24-033 Agree to add Councillors to Nat West Bank account.
Discussion took place about who should have access to the Bank Account. It was agreed that all councillors would have at least read access. At present all three councillors will have the facility to approve expenditure. The account will have secondary approval for all payments. Propsed by Councillor M Horn seconded by Councillor A Wood to add all councillors to the Nat West Bank account. All in favour.