20 June 2024 meeting minuets

Letwell Parish Meeting 2024

Minutes – Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting 20th June 2024

This meeting was held at Letwell Village Hall at 7pm.


Councillors: Amanda Wood (Chairperson), Louise Addy, Christina Warr, Martin Horn Apologies: Liz Ladbrook

The Acting Clerk: Martin Horn

Parishioners:  One parishioner was in attendance

24-099 - To receive and approove reason for absence 

Counsellor Ladbrook sent apologies.

24-100 -To recieve declarations of interest in respect of buisness on the agenda 


24-101 - This item was void and not used 

24-102 - To identify any agenda items which may be considered following the exclusion of the press and public, due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed 

It was resolved that no items required by the exclusion of press and public

24-103 - Open Forum for Parishioners in Attendance – Public Participation Session  (up to 30 minutes will be allowed)

  1. A question was asked about what decisions had been made about the trees on the Ramper. The Clerk advised that some people have asked if there trees could be moved? No decisions have been made. This will be an item on the agenda for the next meeting.
  2. Will the Parish Council do something about the Dark Sky suggestion at the Parish Meeting. It was suggested by Cllr Warr that an article be put in FLAG which is due to be published next month.
  3. There are too many pages from the Parish Council on the noticeboard and so not enough room for other notices. Cllr Horn pointed out that it is a Parish Council noticeboard and suggested that in the future perhaps the Parish Council has its own noticeboard next to the existing

24-104 - To receive the Internal Auditors Report for the period 1st April 2023 to April 6th 2024, review the effectiveness of the system of internal controls for Letwell Parish Council and agree any changes to controls that may be necessary

Council reviewed the Annual Governance and Accountability Return, including the Internal auditors report, which had been previously circulated. It was resolved that the annual internal Audit Report 2023/2024 included at Page 3 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return, along with the Internal Auditors written report, be noted, and that Council agreed that effective internal controls are now in place.

24-105 - Following review of the effectiveness of the system of internal controls of Letwell Parish Council, to consider the findings, and then to complete and approve section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR), this to then be signed by the Clerk and the Chairman of the meeting

Following review of the effectiveness of the system of internal controls, detailed above, and having no issues raised when considering the findings, it was resolved that Letwell Parish Council complete and approve section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement 2023/2024 on page 4 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return. The Chairman and Clerk signed the declaration.

24-106 - Following signing by the Responsible Financial Officer - to consider and approve the Accounting Statements of Letwell Parish Council relating to the period 1st April 2023 to 6th April 2024. The Chairman of the meeting to then sign section 2 of The Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)

Following the signing of section 2 of the AGAR by the Responsible Financial Officer. Council considered section 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return. It was resolved that Letwell Parish Council approve Section 2 - Accounting Statements 2023/2024 for Letwell Parish Council on page 5 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/2024 and that the Chairman sign the declaration. Documents now to be submitted to approved external auditor PKF, cost for assurance review will be £48.00. Council resolved that the invoice may be paid upon presentation.

24-107 - To amend the dates to advertise the period during which electors and interested persons may exercise rights relating to Annual Accounts for April 2023 to March 2024 from June 27th – August 5th to June 27th ending August 7th

It was agreed the dates be amended to June 27th -  August 7th 2024 and be published on the website and noticeboard.

To receive information on the following items and decide further action, where necessary:

Financial Matters

24-109 - Agree the following reimbursements. L Addy £35 for key cutting, M Horn £142.66 for Octopus Energy security deposit

Proposed by Cllr Wood seconded by Cllr Warr to the make payments. Approved by all.

24-100 - Cleaning of village hall gutters, quoted £15 -20 per gutter

Proposed by Cllr Addy seconded by Cllr Warr to have gutters cleaned. Approved by all.

24-111 - Book village hall boiler service quoted £150

Counsellor Warr proposed a new plumber who will charge £130. Proposed by Cllr Addy seconded Cllr Warr to change to the new plumber and asked for heating controls to be changed. Approved by all.

24-083 - Pay the internal auditor FH Accountancy Services £256.30

Proposed by Cllr Addy seconded Cllr Warr to pay invoice. Approved by all.

Items for next agenda 

What is happening with the trees on the Ramper?

Music licence.

Finding a new clerk

What can be done with the scrub land by the flag pole.

Ruquest more rubbish bins in the village.


To confirm the time and date of the next meeting is Thursday 25th July at 7pm.

The meeting closed at 7.42pm.