21 March 2024 Meeting Agenda

Parish Council Meeting Agenda

Letwell Parish Council

The Village Hall, Barker Hades Road,Letwell, S81 8DE

Tel. 7540371641



  1. To receive and approve reasons for absence.
  2. To receive declarations of interest in respect of business on the agenda.
  3. To identify any agenda items which may be considered following the exclusion of press and public, due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.
  4. To note any matters arising (For information only)
  5. To adopt and sign off updated Code of Conduct.
  6. To adopt and sign off updated Standing Orders
  7. To adopt and sign off Financial Regulations
  8. To adopt and sign off Health and Safety Policy
  9. To adopt and sign off Risk Assessment
  10. Approve setting up of Direct Debits for PPL/PRS £70, EDF £69, Everflow £15.
  11. Approve delegated authority for expenditure up to £ 200 on any single item for the Chairperson Louise Addy. This will be for emergency payments only.

  12. Discuss an increase in the hall hire hourly rate to £7 for persons living in the Parish, £10 for all other hire that is not of a commercial nature. These increases will be for the 1st April 2024.

  13. To agree transfer of funds from Sum Up account to the Nat West cheque account.

  14.  Agree to add Councillors to Nat West Bank Account

Martin Horn

   Acting Clerk to the Council 16th March 2024