21 November 2024 meeting minutes
Letwell Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held on
Thursday 21st November 2024
In Attendance:
Cllr A Wood – Chair
Cllr L Addy
Cllr M Horn
Cllr C Warr
Y Colverson – Clerk
7 members of the public
A period of not more than fifteen minutes was made available for members of the public, and Members of the Council, to comment on any matter prior to the start of the meeting.
Issues raised:
Minutes of the meeting held on 26th September did not reflecting the opinions of members of the public, present and not present.
- The Clerk responded that, the purpose of minuets is to record the decisions and actions of the Council.
Hedge cutting is not on the agenda despite a member of the public requesting this.
- The Clerk presented the Council’s standing order that state that a motion moved and resolved may not be considered for six months. As this item was on the September agenda it could not be considered in November.
24-162 Apologies for Absence – To receive, and approve if appropriate, apologies for absence and reasons given.
Cllr E Ladbrook unable to attend due to ill health
RESOLVED: That these apologies, and reasons given, are approved
24-162 Declaration of Members Interests
- Members were reminded to declare any interest in any item on the agenda at this time, or at any time during the meeting, in accordance with Letwell Parish Council’s Code of Conduct. (Where a Member indicates that they have an interest, but wish to make representations regarding the item, those representations must be made during Public Speaking prior to the start of the meeting).
None received
- To receive, and approve if appropriate, requests for dispensation from Members on matters in which they have an interest and wish to vote.
None received
24-163 To approve Minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 26th September and 10th October 2024
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meetings held on 26th September and 10th October are a true and accurate record. Signed by the Chair
24-164 Clerk’s report – To receive a report from the Clerk stating actions undertaken since the meeting held on 26th September
Reported from Cllr M Horn (Clerk to 31st October 2024):
- A litter pick took place on the 3rd November.
- Letwell Community Group has made a donation of £750 to the village hall.
- The Dovecote Quilters have mad a donation of £500 to the village hall.
- The floor has been cleaned several times since the last meeting so it is now better but it needs to be cleaned and have a coating.
- Martin has received a quote for £2700.
- A new horse sign has been installed by RMBC near Moorlands farm.
- An offer has been made to fix the light in the bus shelter but it has not been done yet.
- There are some changes that need to be made to the PC website but they have not been requested yet.
- A VAT claim for £138.34 was made in October.
- A payment has been received from Easy Fundraising of £124.40
- The gutters on the village hall have been cleared by the window cleaner.
- Two application have been made to RMBC for bins by the bus shelter and on Moore's mound.
- The water supplier for the village hall has been changed to Waterplus.
- Councillors and the clerk now have .gov.uk email addresses, they are on the website and will be published on the noticeboard.
- The PC website will be changed to a .gov.uk address.
- The PC has registered with the Information commissioner’s office.
The Chair formally thanked the Community Group for their contribution to the Village Hall improvements.
Report from Y Colverson (Clerk from 1st November 2024)
- The Clerk attended a handover meeting with Cllr Horn, however recognises it will take some time to become familiar with the village and the actions of the Parish Council
- The Clerk now has access to the email address and will check it daily.
RESOLVED: That this information is received
24-165 Exclusion of press and public – to resolve items, if any, to be discussed with the press and public excluded. Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960
RESOLVED: That item 24-166e, Staffing considerations, will be discussed with the press and public excluded.
24-166 Item for consideration and resolution
a. Speeding through village – to consider and resolve what actions, if any, that can be taken by the council to reduce vehicles speeding through the village.
It was noted that speeding through the village is an increasing issue putting pedestrians and drivers at risk. Although the Parish Council cannot take direct action it can lobby the Borough Council to reduce the speed limit through the village and install more signage. It was suggested a reduction in the speed limit to 20mph.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk will contact the Neighbourhood Officers and Ward Councillors regarding this.
- Village Hall maintenance and improvement.
- To discuss, and resolve to act on, ideas to generate the funds needed to cover the cost running, ongoing maintenance and improvements to the Village Hall.
Champing (Camping in Churches) was discussed. There are many issues to consider if the Council resolve to allow this.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk will obtain further information regarding this and report back to the next Parish Council meeting.
- To consider the installation of new locks to the front door, bar fridge and cupboard, and cleaning cupboard
The Clerk reported that, for insurance purposes, locks should be fitted to the bar stock cupboard, the bar fridge and cleaning cupboard. Also, a new lock should be fitted to the door as it is unclear who now has keys, this is also an insurance consideration.
RESOLVED: That the front door lock will be changed and locks will be fitted to the bar cupboard and fridge, and the cleaning cupboard. To be actioned by Cllr M Horn
- To consider minor maintenance to be carried out including trunking for broadband cables
RESOLVED: Cllr M Horn will install trunking where new WiFi cables are visible.
- Lighting in Village Hall. To consider quotations to replace the lighting and resolve a contractor to carry out this work.
Cllr L Addy suggested smart switches are installed in the toilets as lights are often left on.
RESOLVED: That Cllr L Addy will obtain additional quotations for electrical work. This will then be considered and resolved at the finance and budget meeting
- Community Action Committee – To consider, and resolve if appropriate, the formation of a Community Action Committee to carry out actions currently delivered by the Letwell Community Group.
The clerk made the recommendation that the Letwell Community Group be bought under the wing of the Parish Council by forming a Committee of the Council which will include member of the public. The function of the group will not alter however it will have the benefit of insurance and banking.
RESOLVED: That the Community Group will consider this and, if in agreement, will inform the Clerk so this can be added to the next agenda
- Staffing considerations – to be discussed with public and press excluded
**Item moved to the end of the meeting to be discussed with press and public excluded**
- Christmas Tree Lighting – to consider, and resolve, the provision of a Christmas Tree lights and decorations – grant funding from Street Fayre Committee up to £150
The Chair thanked the Street Fayre Committee for their offer to contribute to this.
RESOLVED: That the Council will purchase a Christmas Tree up to the cost of £100
- Land adjacent to bus shelter – to consider, and approve, community activity to design improvements to the area of land adjacent to the bus shelter
Cllr M Horn requested the Council ask for idea from members of the community, that would improve the land adjacent to the bus shelter.
RESOLVED: That people attending Christmas events will be asked for ideas for the council to consider.
- To consider the purchase of a new Union Jack Flag. With thanks to a resident who has offered to fund this.
The Clerk presented a quotation for a 2 yard flag, the cost £45.00. It was felt this would not be of an acceptable quality and a 100% cotton flag should be purchased, approximate cost will be £140.00
RESOLVED: That the Clerk will order a new flag at approximately £140.00
24-167 Finance reports
Cllr Christine Warr presented the following information:
- Account balances at 31st October 2024
Current Account- £2,032.93
Reserve Account- £1,961.98
Petty Cask-0
Bar Petty Cask-
RESOLVED: That this information is received
- Payments – To receive and approve payments
Date |
Supplier |
Description |
Payment Type |
Details |
Total |
02.09.24 |
A Smith |
Cleaner |
S/O |
Cleaning |
£12.00 |
03.09.24 |
Homesfuel |
Oil |
Oil |
£559.34 |
09.09.24 |
A Smith |
Cleaner |
S/O |
Cleaning |
£12.00 |
10.09.24 |
Advertising |
Clerk vacancy |
£15.00 |
16.09.24 |
Plumbing |
Boiler |
Boiler service |
£389.99 |
16.09.24 |
A Smith |
Cleaner |
S/O |
Cleaning |
£12.00 |
19.09.24 |
M Ladbroke |
Insurance |
DD |
Insurance |
£168.26 |
23.09.24 |
A Smith |
Cleaner |
S/O |
Cleaning |
£12.00 |
26.09.24 |
Everflow |
Water |
DD |
Water |
£16.98 |
30.09.24 |
A Smith |
Cleaner |
S/O |
Cleaning |
£12.00 |
30.09.24 |
Npower |
Electricity |
DD |
Phone box |
£68.68 |
01.10.24 |
Asda |
Cleaning products |
Cleaning |
£14.58 |
04.10.24 |
Smarty |
WiFi |
WiFi |
£9.00 |
07.10.24 |
A Smith |
Cleaner |
S/O |
Cleaning |
£12.00 |
10.10.24 |
Guilthwaite |
Maintenance supply |
Village maintenance |
£15.00 |
11.10.24 |
ICO Registration |
DD |
Registration |
£35.00 |
14.10.24 |
Xxx |
Lottery 2nd Prize |
Lottery |
£35.00 |
14.10.24 |
Xxx |
Lottery 1st Prize |
Lottery |
£60.00 |
14.10.24 |
A Smith |
Cleaner |
S/O |
Cleaning |
£12.00 |
17.10.24 |
Silux Mobile |
Broadband |
Broadband |
£13.95 |
21.10.24 |
M Ladbroke |
Insurance |
DD |
Insurance |
£168.28 |
28.10.24 |
A Smith |
Cleaner |
S/O |
Cleaning |
£12.00 |
28.10.24 |
Everflow |
Water |
DD |
Water |
£16.43 |
RESOLVED: That these payments are approved for payment
- Direct Debit – To approve direct debit payment of staff salary payment
RESOLVED: That direct debits to pay the Clerk and HMRC are approved and will be actioned by Cllr C Warr
24-168 Items to be included on the next agenda.
- Champing in the Village Hall – further information will be obtained
- Formation of Community Action Committee – if approved by the Community Group
24-169 Date and time of next meetings
- To resolve a date time for the next full council meeting
RESOLVED: The next parish council meeting will take place on Thursday 23rd January 2024
- To resolve a date and time for a finance and budget setting meeting
RESOLVED: That a finance and budget meeting will take place on Thursday 9th December
Items discussed with press and public excluded
24-166e. Staffing considerations
RESOLVED: That further consideration will be given to staffing arrangements
Meeting Closed at 8.15pm