11 January 2024 meeting minutes
Minutes of the meeting of letwell Parish Council held at 7:30pm on Thursday 11 of January 2024 at Letwell Village Hall, Barker Hades Road, Letwell.
Cllr L Addy (Chair)
Cllr M Sharpe (Vice chair)
Cllr D Biggins
Parish Clerk, Mrs R Thompson
Public Session
To receive written questions for considerations by the Parish Council from members of the public. (up to 30 minutes).
Financial reports were given out to members of the public, questions were asked regarding individual transactions, Rita gave an overview of how the bar stock works.
The Clerk agreed to send out an electronic simplified version of the accounts out to those who has requested them before the next Parish Council meeting.
MH-asked about Everflow. The clerk replied that there had been an error whereas instead of closing the account, Everflow duplicated one of the accounts and a refund has been agreed.
Cllr M Sharpe gave an overview of the gigs and their management, the gigs began in 2004, he explained that they are not about raising money but rather about enjoying live music. Profits this year are paying for the hedges on Ramper Road to be cut. Cllr M Sharpe shared some figures relating to the income and expenditure of the gigs.
MH asked about why there is an agenda item on gig management. Cllr L Addy explained that as the gigs use the banking facility operated by the Parish Council, she had asked for the gig finances to be included in Parish Council finances.
VB Gave an overview of gigs when it was part of the Village Hall Charity.
The Clerk gave her suggestions that perhaps the gigs should be run separate from the Parish Council as they are self-funding and nothing really to do with the Parish Council, she also gave a suggestion of creating a separating village hall committee, whose purpose could be to fundraise for village hall projects.
MH asked to discuss the precept, his suggestion is that the precept should be £5400 not £2600 and outlined this thinking behind this.
RH advised that on the 24th of Feb there is Ritchie Penrose gig, and this is a community event. RH added that there is Village Hall Clean 3rd March this is 8 hours deep clean funded by the community group.
JS reminded that the art group have donated money towards the new curtains.
VB discussed an email circulated to all regarding personal safety – The Clerk agreed to contact the pcso for a darker night’s event.
VB discussed safety concerns.
The Clerk read out an email from a local resident expressing their views that the bus shelter needs attention as well as the benches. Council agreed that these jobs will be carried out in Spring.
Ward Update
No presence from Ward Councillors.
To receive and approve any apologies for absence.
To receive any declarations of interest not already declared under the Council’s Code of Conduct or Members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
To Consider items to be discussed in the absence of the press and public.
To approve the minutes from the meeting held on 16th November 2023.
All agreed that these are true and accurate record, proposed by Cllr L Addy Seconded by Cllr M Sharpe.
To discuss any matters arising from the minutes, for information only.
Discussion was had about the minutes in general and it was decided for the Clerk to add more detail rather than just recording the decisions made.
To consider applications (circulated to Cllrs) for the 2 casual vacancies on the Parish Council.
Councillors left the room to discuss, upon their return they made the unanimous decision that the Parish Council would co-opt Mrs Amanda Wood and Mr Martin Horn. Martin Horn gave his Declaration of acceptance to the clerk and then joined the council members.
To discuss the recently received quote for the new website.
Cllr L Addy gave an overview of a company she has been in touch with about creating the parish Council website (TEC). The costs would be as follows:
The Company Hosting fee £156 per year.
£120 website creation.
£257 plus Vat.
She explained everything will be copied over from the current website. This was proposed by Cllr L Addy, seconded by Cllr M Sharpe, all agreed.
To discuss the precept for 2024/25
Discussion was had about the rising cost of utilities and the costs of running the Village Hall, Cllr M Horn suggested doubling the precept as earlier mentioned in the public discussion.
Cllr LA suggestion increases of £10 per household. The Clerk confirmed that this would give the Parish Council a precept of around £3500. Cllr M Horn proposed this increase. All in favour Second by Cllr M Sharpe.
To discuss the management of the gigs.
This item was discussed in the public session. Cllr M Sharpe reiterated that any profits can and will be donated to appropriate causes in the village such as the hedge cutting. Cllr L Addy suggested to keep its separate then a normal hall hire fee should be applied to the gigs. Concession rate of £5 per hour for gigs was proposed Cllr L Addy and seconded by Cllr D Biggins. All in favour.
Cllr L Addy discussed the sum up bank account which Cllr M Sharpe is currently using for gig tickets and expenditure, she suggested that Cllr M Sharpe open a separate bank account for this, all agreed. Cllr M Sharpe confirmed he would open another bank account and transfer out of the sum up account to the Parish Council main account payments received for gig tickets.
To discuss the village hall and the suggestion of a constituted group.
Discussion was had around the hall hire fee; it was decided to make no change to current regular hires but to increase the commercial rate to £25 per hour. Proposed by Cllr L Addy, seconded by Cllr M Horn.
The idea of creating a constituted group for the Village Hall was discussed, the clerk advised that it would run very similar to the current community group, it was made up of Parish Cllrs as well as members of the community it would be a working group rather than a Parish Council Committee. The objective would be to raise funds via grant applications events for maintenance projects in and around the Village Hall. It was agreed to discuss further at the next Community Group meeting.
Approval of bank statement.
Signed by Cllr L Addy.
To receive and consider any current planning applications and issues.
The Clerk read out an email received from N.B regarding the planning application for a new agricultural barn at Moorlands Far, there was a suggestion of screening with trees. Council members expressed that they were not against the build but would like to see it screened with trees if possible.
To exchange information and receive members’ reports.
It was discussed that the bus shelter needs painting. Cllr L Addy suggested asking Cllr A Wood’s son as he is looking for tasks to complete as part of is Duke of Edinburgh award. Cllr M Sharpe said he would see if he still had some paint left for it.
To confirm date and time for Meeting.
18th March 2024 7pm Finance meeting, 7:30pm Ordinary Meeting.
Key Correspondence available but not the agenda (Copies can be made available by the Clerk).
Questions and comments from Letwell Community Group.
YLCA: Training opportunities.
YLCA: White Rose Updates
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