Meeting Minutes 25 July 2024
Letwell Parish Council
Minutes – Ordinary Parish Council Meeting 25th July 2024
This meeting was held at Letwell Village Hall at 7pm.
Present: Councillors: Amanda Wood (Chairperson), Louise Addy, Christina Warr,
Liz Ladbrook, Martin Horn
The Acting Clerk: Martin Horn
Parishioners: Six parishioners were in attendance.
24-113 To receive and approve reasons for absence
24-114 To receive declerations of intestes in respect of business of the agenda.
24-115 To authorise the Chairperson to sign the minnutes of the meeting held on the 16th May and 20th June, as true and correct
The minutes were confirmed as true and correct record and the Chairperson accordingly signed the file copy.
24-116 To identify any agenda items which may be considered following the exclusion of the press and public, due to the confidential nature of the business discussed.
It was resolved that no items required the exclusion of the press and public.
24-117 Open Forum for Parishioners in Attendence - Public Participation Session ( Up to 30 minutes will be allocated)
1.What is happening about the trees on the Ramper?
The trees that are dead will be removed. No new trees are to be planted without applying for the appropriate licence and receiving permission from RMBC Highways.
2. The previous clerk to the parish did not submit a request to have the applicant put trees around the new barn at Mooreland Farm on Gildingwells Road Can the Current PC ask either the RMBC Planning or the farm to have trees planted around it to screen from view?
There were no written complaints or suggestions made to RMBC about the application The PC feels that as there were no views made by the public, it is not the place of the PC to make any comments.
3 What is happening with th Police Investigation?
Cllr Addy has had a CID Officer contact er to say the have taken on the case.
4.Some residents of Gildingwells receive delivery of FLAG. Why do some receive it and some do not? How does a household get to receive it? Four households receive FLAG and they have either made a donation to Letwell or pay £4 per year.
Gildingwell residents can either pay £4 a year or recieve an electonic version for free.
24-118 Update on Previous actions
24-043-03 Horse signs and speed limit in the village.
RMBC have said that new signs have been agreed an signed off. They should be in place by the end of August.
24-076 Bus shelter light
An Electrician has offered to do it for free but has not carried out the work. A price for an electician will be requested next week.
Actions: Clerk
24-078 Internal Audit
The auditior report and right to inspect have been published as required.
24-079 New Photographs for the webiste
Emailed the residents to ask for possible photographs for the website.
Actions: Clerk
24-080 Advertising for a new clerk
Job description and advert have been written Cllr Ladbrook advised there is a possible candidate who lives locally. If they are not intested the advert will be published on YLCA website. Cost is £20.
Agred by all
Actions: Cllr Ladbrook & Clerk.
24-084 Bank accounts
A new Sum Up account has been opened and Councillors Horn, Addy and Wood have applied for debit cards. All expenditure on these must also be agreed by 3 councillors.
24-085 VAT claims
A request has been sent to YLCA to confirm what the Parish Council can claim for the village hall. Until this has been confirmed no claims will be made.
Actions: Clerk
24-090 Village Hall Lease
It has been recommended that a Charitable Incorporated Organisation be setup and registered with the Charity Commission. This entity can hold a lease and apply for grants. More information is required and will be discussed at the next meeting.
Actions: Clerk
24-092 Fire door repair
The fire door has now been painted.
24-094 Broadband
Cllr Addy has requested fibre for the village hall in conjuction with her only fibre broadband installation. The supplying company has agreed to provide the village hall for no cost. In the interim a Smarty SIM will be purchased to provide internet services for the new heating controls.
Agreed by All.
Actions: Clerk
24-095 Heating controls
It was agreed to ask the plumber to supply and install new heating controls. Proposed by Cllr Warr, seconded Cllr Ladbrook, approved by all.
Actions: Cllr Warr
24-096 Village Hall security cameras
This has been deferred to a later meeting.
24-097 Village Whatsapp group
Cllr Wood has setup several Whatsapp groups and will publicise it in FLAG.
Actions: Cllr Wood
24-098 Village Hall electricity supplier
The supplier did not change when requested. EDF blocked the move in May but it has now taken place and moved to Octopus Energy. Once the account has been settled a complaint will be raised for any refund.
Actions: Clerk
24-110 Cleaning of village hall gutters
The window cleaner has been asked to clean the gutters at a costs £15 to £20 per side.
Actions: Cllr Warr
24-111 Village Hall boiler service
The boiler service has been booked for Friday 2nd August
Actions: Cllr Warr
24-119 To receive an update in respect of planning matters and consider any further action on ongoing applications.
RB2024/0713 Stoneleigh, Barker Hades Road, Letwell.
Two storey and single storey extensions including dormer windows to rear. No comments raised by the Parish Council.
RB2024/0928 Holly Cottage, Gildingwells
Demolition of existing bungalow and detached garage. Erection of two storey self-build dwelling and associated landscaping. No comments raised by the Parish Council.
To receive information on the following issues and decide further action, where necessary.
24-120 Ownership of the land at the end of Church Lane.
The Laver Trust has been contacted as it is possible they are the owners of the land.
Actions: Cllr Ladbrook
24-121 Survery of the hourse chesnut at the end of Church Lane
The Parish Council will wait for ownership of the land to be confirmed. Item deferred to the next meeting. For information a quote of £150 to survey the tree has been received.
24-122 Should the Parish Council fly more than just the Yorkshire flag?
It was agreed that the Letwell Street Fayre Committee be asked to contribute towards the purchase of an England flag and a Union flag. The cost is approximately £300.
Actions: Cllr Warr
24-123 Does the village need CCTV installing or have a Neighbourhood Watch group?
As little interest was shown at the Parish Meeting it was decided not to look into security cameras or setup a Neighbourhood Watch Group.
24-124 What should happen to the trees on the Ramper Road?
The trees that are dead will be removed, no new trees are to be planted without applying for a licence and receiving permission from RMBC highways.
Actions: Cllr Warr & Cllr Horn
24-125 Speed limit in the vilage.
Cllr Addy has proposed that we investigate having the speed limit reduced to 20MPH. A discussion took place about enforcement of a speed limit this low. It was agreed to pursue the moving of the speed limit to the edge of the village and ask about a 20MPH speed limit.
Actions: Clerk
24-126 Distribute the roles and responsibilities to Councillors
|The responsibilities have been agreed and will be on the Parish Council website).
Actions: Clerk
Financal Matters
24-127 Bank Accounts
May Income £707.55
May Outgoings £1014.88
June Income £430.59
June Outgoings £958.3
Quarterly Income £4222.01
Qusarterly Outgoings £3215.91
24-128 VAT claims
None at this time
24-129 Agreed payments
See attachment. AGREED BY ALL
24-130 Balance at 1 July 2024
Bar 300.00
Petty Cash 360.00
Reserve 1952.35
Current 404.13
Sums Up 0.00
Total: 3016.48
24-131 Sign off payments and purchases by councillor and clerk.
M Horn sand & cement for village hall path £66.80, L Addy key cutting £10. Agreed by All.
24-132 Cost for FLAG
No changes at this time to FLAG
Village Hall
24-133 Water Company Complaint
A complaint about the charges that were made during 2022/23 has been made to the Consumer Council for Water by Cllr Horn and Cllr Ladbrook. The process can take several months to receive an outcome.
Actions: Cllr Horn & Cllr Ladbrook
24-134 Join Community First Yorkshire (ACRE)
Cost to join is £42 including VAT. Proposed by Cllr Horn, seconded by Cllr Wood to join Community First Yorkshire. Agreed by all.
Actions: Clerk
24-135 Village Hall Planters
A resident has kindly donated 3 planters for the front of the hall. They will be moved in the autumn
Actions: Cllr Horn
Clerk Correspondence
24-135 Request from Councillor Sheppard, RMBC Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods, to attend a Parish Council meeting.
Cllr Sheppard has been invited to the November meeting and will be taking questions from the public
24-136 PPL PRS
The cost for the next years PPL/PRS licence is £351.82. Proposed by Cllr Horn, seconded by Cllr Warr to setup a direct debit to make the payment. Agreed by All.
Actions: Clerk
To confirm the time and date of the next meeting is Thursday 26th September at 7pm.
The meeting closed at 8.23pm
Chairman Date: 25th July 2024
Payments for May and June